Device groups

When you add devices to your smart home, they're divided into groups. Individual devices can be part of multiple groups, and their location in the home doesn't matter. You can modify the groups later in the device settings.

How to manage groups

You can group similar devices and manage them as a single unit. The devices could be different models or from different manufacturers, but they must be the same type and have the same functionality since commands have to be supported by all the devices in the group for them to work.

For example, you can combine air conditioners made by different manufacturers into a "Climate" group and turn cooling mode on for all of them when you're on your way home from work. But you can't switch the group to a mode that isn't supported by at least one of the air conditioners. The mode won't be available in the  Yango Play app, and Yasmina will only perform voice commands for models that support the mode.

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