Turn off Yasmina microphones
Select the speaker:
Yasmina Max
When you activate Yasmina Max with your voice or by pressing the button
Yasmina Midi
When you activate Yasmina Midi with your voice or by pressing the button
Yasmina Mini
When you activate Yasmina Mini with your voice, the top panel lights up. That means Yasmina is listening and trying to recognize your commands. Speech processing requires a lot of calculations, so what you say is sent to Yasmina's servers and recognized there. If the light is off, your words aren't being sent anywhere.
Yasmina Lite
When you activate Yasmina Lite with your voice, the top panel lights up. That means Yasmina is listening and trying to recognize your commands. Speech processing requires a lot of calculations, so what you say is sent to Yasmina's servers and recognized there. If the light is off, your words aren't being sent anywhere.
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