Internet connection problems on Yasmina

Your network parameters have changed

If your network parameters have changed and you need to reconnect Yasmina, set up the speaker again.

Yasmina says there's no internet connection or the music/video keeps pausing
Check your internet access and reconnect to the network
  1. Make sure there are no connection problems on the provider side:

    • Try opening on a phone or computer. If it doesn't open, restart the router. If the problem persists, contact your provider.
    • Connect Yasmina to mobile internet via your phone's Wi-Fi. If Yasmina connects and works well via mobile internet, the problem with the Wi-Fi connection is most likely on the provider side.
  2. Yasmina needs a stable Wi-Fi connection to work properly. Put your phone next to Yasmina and see how many signal bars it shows. If you get fewer than half of the bars, move Yasmina closer to the router.

  3. Restart Yasmina or reset it to factory settings.

  4. Reconfigure the internet connection.

  5. Restart the router.

Change the router settings

Depending on the manufacturer, the settings may be located and named differently. You need the address of the router settings page, the default login and password, and instructions for the router.

You can usually find the router's address and login details on a sticker on the bottom of the device. You can find the setup instructions on the router manufacturer's website.

Before changing the settings, write down or copy the current settings so you can go restore them if necessary.

Router setup recommendations

Name of the router settings group


Wireless mode / Wireless / Wi-Fi

  • Change the Wi-Fi frequency from 5 GHz to 2.4 GHz or the other way around.

  • If the wireless network mode is set to only n, change it to b/g/n.

  • Enable automatic Wi-Fi channel selection or change the channel manually.

  • Change the channel width from 20 MHz to 40 MHz or the other way around.

  • Make sure the region in the Region or Country field is correct.

  • If the SSID (Wi-Fi network name) contains emojis or special characters, change it to a simpler one that only uses Latin letters, numbers, and underscores.

DHCP → DHCP server / DHCP reservation

Link the IP address to Yasmina's MAC address manually:

  1. Find Yasmina in the list of devices connected to the router. Its identifier (MAC address) and reserved IP are displayed next to the device.
  2. Set Yasmina's IP address manually. It can't be taken by other devices from the list, and only the last number should differ from other addresses (enter a number from 2 to 254).
  3. Save the changes and restart Yasmina.

Wireless mode → MAC filtering / Wireless → Wireless MAC filtering

Your router may block MAC addresses. Add Yasmina's MAC address to the list of allowed devices.

  1. In the DHCP/DHCP client list settings group, find Yasmina in the list of devices connected to the router. The device's MAC address is shown next to it.
  2. Copy Yasmina's MAC address.
  3. In the MAC address filtering settings, add Yasmina to the list of devices that can access the Wi-Fi network.
  4. Save the changes and restart Yasmina.
Contact support

If these recommendations didn't help, contact support. Include your router model and the following settings in your message:

  • Wi-Fi frequency: 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz.
  • Authentication method: WPA or WPA2.
  • Encryption type: TKIP or AES.
  • Wi-Fi SSID (network name).

You can find these parameters on your router's settings page, usually in the Wireless mode or Wireless tab. The page address and login details are found on the sticker on the bottom of the device.

The Yango Play app can't see the Wi-Fi network

Check if location services are enabled for the Yango Play app in the phone settings.



The exact path to the access settings depends on your phone model and Android version.


Settings → Yango Play → Location.

  1. Restart your mobile device and turn on Wi-Fi on it.

  2. Go to the list of networks.

  3. Turn off Wi-Fi.

  4. Turn on hotspot mode in the device settings.

  5. Go to the  Yango Play app and tap Connect to a hidden network on the Wi-Fi selection screen.

  6. Enter the network name and password.

    Open appYango Play

I can't connect Yasmina to Wi-Fi after the connection was lost

Reserve an IP for Yasmina's MAC address:

  1. Open the router's web interface. To do this, enter the router's IP address into the browser search bar and log in. The following data is normally used:

    • Address — or
    • Username — admin.
    • Password — admin.
  2. In the menu, find DHCP. Depending on the router model, you may find it in the main menu or under Network or Internet.

  3. Find Yasmina in the list of devices connected to the router. Its identifier (MAC address) and reserved IP are displayed next to the device.

  4. Set Yasmina's IP address manually.

  5. Save the changes and restart Yasmina.


Only the last number should differ from other addresses. It should be in the range from 2 to 254, and it can't be taken by another device in the DHCP → DHCP client list.

If automatic selection is turned off for Wi-Fi channels, turn it on. Automatic channel selection can help if you have a lot of devices creating electronic noise in your home, but it doesn't always work correctly.

If automatic selection is enabled for Wi-Fi channels, disable it. We recommend setting up channel 1, 6, or 11 and a channel width of 20 MHz if the device is connected to a 2.4 GHz network, or channel 36, 40, 44, or 48 if the device is connected to a 5 GHz network.

I can't connect to a Wi-Fi network that requires authentication (for example, in a hotel)

If the Wi-Fi network requires additional authorization, the device will most likely not be able to connect to it. Use your phone as a Wi-Fi hotspot:

  1. First, turn on a regular Wi-Fi network on your phone.

  2. Turn on the hotspot in your phone settings.

  3. Go to the  Yango Play app and tap Connect to a hidden network on the Wi-Fi selection screen. Enter the hotspot name and password.

  4. Follow the instructions in the app.

    Open appYango Play

  1. Turn on modem mode in your phone's settings. Make sure the Wi-Fi network name doesn't contain spaces or special characters. To change it, go to the Settings section →Common use →About →Name.

  2. Go to the  Yango Play app and tap Connect to a hidden network on the Wi-Fi selection screen. Enter the network name and password.

  3. Follow the instructions in the app.

    Open appYango Play

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