Problems with the stereo pair
Before creating a stereo pair, make sure that:
You use two identical smart speakers that support the feature
A stereo pair can be made using two identical Yasminas. You can't use other speakers to create a stereo pair.
The speakers are linked to the same account and in the same room
In the Smart home with Yasmina section of the
Yango Play app, open the list of smart devices.
Make sure both speakers are linked to the account.
Make sure the speakers are in the same room.
The speakers are connected to the same LAN
The speakers must be connected to the same router or any other network configuration with a common LAN.
The routers need to have a common local namespace. If the speakers are connected to routers with different NAT configurations (each router creates its own namespace), the stereo pair won't work.
The router is set up correctly
Check the following router settings:
- Multicast is available. This parameter is usually enabled by default. It's required for speakers that may be at different frequencies (for example, 2.4 and 5 GHz) to work together.
- The client isolation option is disabled. It prevents speakers from exchanging data.
There are no connection problems
The local network quality may be affected by an outdated router, poor firmware, or interference (something blocking the network) between the speaker and the router. You can check your network quality using free apps for Android or iOS.
If an error occurs when you're trying to create or disconnect the stereo pair, wait. It may take up to five minutes or, when an update is required, half an hour. If the problem persists, make sure all the conditions are met and try again.
If the problem persists, contact support.
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